What are exam practice activities and how can students benefit from them. Writting and prepapring for the exam is the last main thing in the year of a student. All students need all assistance , and all materials that can help them perform well in the exam. Exam practrice activities are some of those tools that can assist students to perfom well in their exam.
We now know that examaners use question from past four years to create a question paper for the current year.
That is why exam practice activities are so important when preparing for the exam . and for just testing your skills and knowledge.
Exampractice activities are activities that use questions from past question papers
Each activity is made up of 6 to 15 questions which takes about 5 to 15 minutes to complete.
You can skip any question and answer it later. all question have instant results to tell you if you got it right or wrong.
The activity summery will show you all the questions, those that you got right and those that you got wrong and those that you didnt answer or you skiped.
After answeing every question, by clcking the check button will revile the instant result for that question.