
List Your Banner Ads

We provide exam pratice activities, revisions video and full topic video lessons for grade12. Listing your banner adverts on our platform garantees you that they will be seen by grade 12 students and no one else. 

Our conted are created by qualified teachers which makes them desireable for students and very useful for them. 

The matrics for your banner asdverts are auto-calculated, we don’t estimate the cost, so you pay exactely for what it is worth. You can have access to the platform to see how your adverts are doing and get the matrics yourself. 

From R0.20 per impression.

Sponsered Competitions

We can run a competion specifically for the Grade12 sposnsered by your college or business and get all the ad spaces for your products. 

We can run these competitions only in Gauteng province, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Province. 

From R20.000,00

Sponsored Subjects

Sposnosring a subject is the eay and cheapest way to get to the students since they will access the subject trhough out the year. every time when they login to access the sponsored subject they see your brand, 

Sponsored subjects do not use banner adverts, therefore they don’t have matrics. Only plain banners are used at the heading od the subject. 

From R250.00 per Student


Live Classes

Recoded Video Lessons

Axem Practice Activities

Students Competitions



Physical Sciences


Accounting and Economics

Business Studies

© 2023 Created By Edublush Virtual Academy

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